Zuraida Buter en Adriaan de Jongh zijn dit jaar twee van de zeven juryleden voor de Nuovo Award, die op 16 maart 2016 wordt uitgereikt als onderdeel van de award show van het International Games Festival 2016. Het evenement is tijdens de Game Developers Conference in San Francisco (14 – 18 maart 2016). Zie hieronder alle juryleden voor de Nuovo Award en check deze link voor de juryleden van de andere categorieën Design en Student.
- Zuraida Buter, Playful Culture Curator at zo-ii, co-founder of the Playful Arts Festival, and previously executive director of the Global Game Jam.
- Marie Foulston, curator and producer of mischievous videogame larks. She’s currently Curator of Videogames for the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and Queen Roughhouser for the indie game rebel rousing collective Wild Rumpus.
- Robin Hunicke, the co-founder and CEO of the independent game studio Funomena. She co-organizes of the annual GDC Experimental Gameplay session, and is a professor of Art, Games & Playable Media at UCSC.
- Adriaan de Jongh, best known for his work on the awkward finger rubbing game Fingle, mobile ballet-dancing game Bounden, game developer agreement generator contract( ), and as organizer of the Dutch game design meetup playdev.club.
- Ichiro Lambe, best known in the development community for his BASE jumping game, AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! and his British Romantic-era poetry-writing game, Elegy for a Dead World.
- Sos Sosowski, a mad scientist of video games. Created McPixel, Thelemite and many other games nobody ever heard of.
- Doug Wilson, co-owner of Die Gute Fabrik and three-time IGF finalist for Johann Sebastian Joust, B.U.T.T.O.N., and Euclidean Crisis.