A training game giving employees of a multinational valuable insights into the strategic buying process.
- Studio RANJ Serious Games
- Client A renowned, worldwide operating German technology multinational
- Development 6 months
Thousands of employees of a large German multinational train their skills with Vox Venti – a game that teaches them how to buy strategically.
Why this game?
The development of Vox Venti – Strategic Buying was commissioned by a renowned worldwide operating German technology company. The purpose of the game is to give employees of the client a valuable insight into the strategic buying process.
Target Audience
Junior buyers (employed by the client) age 22-25.
How does the game work?
In the game the player has the role of junior buyer. He is part of a team that is responsible for realizing two prestigious windmill parks housing the largest windmills in the world. The player’s mission is to find a supplier for a crucial part of a windmill. Goal for the player is not only to optimize the profit margin, but also to obtain the best possible strategic position in relation to the supplier and Vox Venti’s competition. After an extensive video briefing, the player gains access to a large amount of information and data. He has to analyze this information under time pressure. Subsequently, the player uses the information in conversations with various stakeholders, such as current and new suppliers and people from Research and Development. In all these conversations he receives additional information. The player has to analyze and understand the old and new information, weigh the risks involved, use the maneuvering space, all without losing sight of the profit margin. During this process the player experiences that the market is dynamic and that internal negotiations are sometimes harder than external ones. In the end, the player determines a buying strategy based on the information he gathered and chooses a supplier. The choices the player made are judged by the purchasing manager.
The game is developed based on the Interactive Case Study (ICS) game format. The focus of this game format is analysis, developing a strategy, communication skills and taking action. In the game, players are put in a position where they can exercise influence and experience first-hand how to get a complicated job done.
What are the results?
Since its launch, the game has already been played by thousands of junior buyers worldwide. For this client it was the first hands-on experience with serious games. And it was a big success: Vox Venti – Strategic Buying has earned a prominent place in the client’s online learning environment.
This article is brought to you by RANJ Serious Games • www.ranj.nl