
    [Social] Wie volgen wij (niet) op Twitter?

    Ok, ok, je kunt ook naar en dan via @ControlMagazine op de lijst klikken, maar toch… Wellicht leuk voor iedereen die een fervent twitteraar is én in de gamessector werkt, het lijstje van twitterende twitteraars die wij volgen. Mis je iets of iemand, laat het weten in de comments. Moeten we iemand ‘unfollowen’? Laat ook dat weten… Lijst na de klik.

    Game in the City
    GameintheCity Game in the City
    Game in the City in Amersfoort maakt r/evolutie in gamewereld zichtbaar (inter)nationale sprekers | masterclasses |career fair | uitreiking Dutch Game Awards

    Robbert Slotman
    rslotman Robbert Slotman
    ontwerper en eigenaar van de Ruimte ontwerpers – Sociaal en creatief communicatie-ontwerp. Voor zorg, onderwijs, cultuur, politiek, spiritualiteit & natuur.

    Vlambeer Vlambeer
    Dutch students-gone-independent gamestudio, bringing arcade back since 1937. We made Super Crate Box and Radical Fishing.

    vwijnen Viktor

    Alma Schaafstal
    AlmaSchaafstal Alma Schaafstal

    Paul Hulsebosch
    tweakerpaul Paul Hulsebosch

    martijnvanbest Martijn
    Enthousiaste uit-z’n-slof-schieter, maar er valt best met ‘m te praten. Journalist, student Nieuwe Media, interesse in games, rechtspraak, economie & onderwijs.

    Jan Willem Nijman
    jwaaaap Jan Willem Nijman
    I make retro games in the future. mostly @vlambeer

    Gamekings Gamekings
    De officiele Gamekings Twitter

    SonicPicnic SonicPicnic
    SonicPicnic is a company of 4. We compose music and sound design for media, including films, commercials and games.

    Jeroen de Cloe
    stickystudios Jeroen de Cloe
    Dutch games studio focused on producing and delivering powerful game experiences.

    Alexander Klöpping
    AlexanderNL Alexander Klöpping
    24. Gadgetnerd, DWDD-nerd, nieuwe media-nerd.

    peter hofstede
    hofstede peter hofstede
    game director at SPIL GAMES – working in the online casual and social gaming space

    Robbert van Os
    gamerhero Robbert van Os
    Incubator, Gadget addict | lifestyle | Entrepreneur |Consultant | Social Media Architect & Evangelist | Innovation | HTML5 | Strategic Partner

    arjan brussee
    arjanbrussee arjan brussee
    Killzone3 FTW

    Paul Naber
    Xbuzzz Paul Naber

    Ranj Serious Games
    RanjSeriousGame Ranj Serious Games

    Matthijs Dierckx
    matthijsdierckx Matthijs Dierckx

    Soepel_BV Soepel
    Full Service webgame company

    Jeroen van Mastrigt
    jrnvm Jeroen van Mastrigt

    Frank van Oirschot
    frankvoirschot Frank van Oirschot

    GAMEDIA_GAMES DittmarTukker
    Founder of a Gamestudio called GAMEDIA

    Official_GDC Official_GDC
    The Game Developers Conference (GDC) is the world’s largest professionals-only game industry event.

    wterhalle Wouter
    Eigenaar WSquared Media – gaming – social community’s – marketing – &

    FlavourBV Flavour
    Flavour playful branding agency Amsterdam. ..come and play

    Cliff Bleszinski
    therealcliffyb Cliff Bleszinski
    Design Director, Epic Games. Might be the Tony Stark of videogames.

    Rockstar Games
    RockstarGames Rockstar Games
    The official home of Rockstar Games on Twitter. Publishers of such popular game franchises as Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne, Bully and more.

    Derk van Wingerden
    dvwingerden Derk van Wingerden

    Olivier Oosterbaan
    createlaw Olivier Oosterbaan
    IT | IP lawyer in Amsterdam, with international experience and a penchant for tech and art.

    Kotaku Kotaku
    The Gamer’s Guide

    Evert van Gelderen
    EvanGelderen Evert van Gelderen
    Lawyer and partner at De Gier | Stam & Advocaten – intellectual property (IP) & entertainment law specialist – and then some.

    Naughty Dog
    Naughty_Dog Naughty Dog
    This is the official Twitter account for Naughty Dog, a PlayStation developer and part of SCEA. Updates by @arnemeyer.

    Liselore Goedhart
    lizzywanders Liselore Goedhart
    Co-owner . character + game designer . girl @Monobanda I love cats . sci-fi . monsters . cake!

    Sjoerd Wennekes
    SjoerdWennekes Sjoerd Wennekes
    Founder, co-owner and CEO of Monobanda.

    Monkeyboy666 Dimme
    Monkey interested in Art, Games and Design in general

    Jenova Chen
    JenovaChen Jenova Chen
    co-founder & creative director of thatgamecompany, a video game creator devoted to innovating and changing the industry.

    Triangle Studios
    trianglestudios Triangle Studios

    Jurriaan Teunenbroek
    Teunenbroek Jurriaan Teunenbroek
    Owner I Sioux / Youdagames | Casual – Core – Social Gaming | Internet | New Media |

    Diederik Groesbeek
    superdiederik Diederik Groesbeek
    Game development and professional beer-drinking.

    Noël Hamer
    noelhamer Noël Hamer

    Jan Laros
    JanLaros Jan Laros
    Writing for and working as an SAP Consultant.

    Juliu Juliu
    Mede eigenaar van gamesbedrijf FourceLabs.

    Adriaan Wormgoor
    bombarie Adriaan Wormgoor
    interaction designer, flash developer, loves technology mashup in the physical domain

    OneBigGame OneBigGame
    Play, so others can.

    Joshua de Jong
    joshuadejong Joshua de Jong
    Massive Energy, Epic, Soul Survivor, Rafaël NL, Foursquare, U-Turn, Netherlands-patriot, USA-fan, Media & Entertainment, Soul in the City and ex-gameindustry. ッ

    Jelle van Es
    jellevanes Jelle van Es
    Hoofdredacteur van InsideGamer, gameliefhebber en levensgenieter.

    Paladin Studios
    paladinstudios Paladin Studios
    Paladin Studios is an indie game development studio. Follow the inside scoop of our adventures right here!

    Jeroen Elfferich
    jeroen020 Jeroen Elfferich
    Dad of 2 boys. Entrepreneur @ExMachinaGames: linking games, TV & social media. Web veteran. Founder, transgalactic italo appreciation society. Passionate stoic.

    Nikki Kuppens
    Patt3rson Nikki Kuppens
    Game Designer @ Vanguard Games (formerly W!Games), worked on Greed Corp & Gatling Gears. Gamer, tech & gadget enthusiast. All opinions are my own and mine only.

    Martin Gamekings
    GKMartin Martin Gamekings
    Pro skippyballer

    Tim Schafer
    TimOfLegend Tim Schafer
    President / CEO Double Fine Productions

    Jeroen roding
    jeroenroding Jeroen roding
    Adjunct hoofdredacteur Power Unlimited, hardloper, apple junkie en plaatjesschieter.

    Bart Verwijst
    bartverwijst Bart Verwijst
    PR Executive Namco Bandai Partners Benelux | Gamer | Levensgenieter | Feesten

    Jurjen tiersma
    JurjenT Jurjen tiersma
    Freelance schrijver en vertaler, o.a. voor Nieuwe Revu en Power Unlimited. Specialisme: leuke, digitale, interactieve dingen, vooral games.

    Guan van Zoggel
    Gu4n Guan van Zoggel
    21. BA Japanese Studies @ UvL. Minor Journalism & New Media. Freelance writer @ Bashers and GameZ. Music composer and arranger. Night reveller. In love.

    G.J. Rietveld
    VGStrategyGuide G.J. Rietveld
    Strategy and video games PhD. at Cass Business School (London). Entrepreneur in consultancy and video games. Strategy Guide.

    Larry Hryb
    majornelson Larry Hryb
    Tweeting from the Xbox team ( I work at Microsoft) since the beginning. I try to learn something about everything and everything about something.

    Bart Hufen
    BartHufen Bart Hufen
    Interactive Brand Player advices how to use Games as Marketing Tool

    Ouke Arts
    oukearts Ouke Arts
    Strategy Consultant/Thaesis, Design & Technology Researcher, Business Model Presenter, Member/D66/GroenLinks, Movie Blogger/Explicateur/Louis Hartlooper Complex

    Reinout te Brake
    reinouttebrake Reinout te Brake
    Check out our MMO affiliate platform

    Laura Fritz
    Laukatschi Laura Fritz
    Recruitment Manager @ SPIL GAMES

    spilgames SPIL GAMES
    The worldwide online gaming market leader with over 130 million unique visitors to our 41 sites. Our goal is to unite the world in play.

    Roel Weber
    WeberSG Roel Weber
    Owner of WEBER Sites & Games BV, Founding father of Dreambear, co-owner of social gamestudio Mid Level Sub Boss (MLSB) and future kendo master.

    Rick van Beem
    IanFleming77 Rick van Beem
    PR Manager for OneBigGame, Game enthusiast

    Jesse Zuurmond
    JesseZ1988 Jesse Zuurmond
    New Media MA Student @ UU & Freelance writer on Games / New Media.

    FragDolls FragDolls
    Ubisoft’s all-girl pro gaming team. We tweet about video games, technology, and geek culture while proudly supporting the women who play and make games.

    All the latest info on SEGA games & releases. Updated by the community teams at SEGA America and SEGA Europe.

    Electronic Arts
    EA Electronic Arts
    Official Twitter account for EA. Follow for updates on all your favorite EA games

    dennismons dennismons
    Schrijvertje voor Sp!ts (games, films, tech). Twitterrichtlijnennegeerder, bikkelhard en ongenuanceerd. Desalniettemin best aardig irl

    Zo - ii
    zoewi Zo – ii
    Things with games, design, develop, tech, music, teaching, writing, photography and… stuff.

    Peter de Jong
    peterdj72 Peter de Jong
    Entrepeneur and CEO @ Codeglue | Rotterdam | iPhone Developer | Social Gaming | Games | Videogames | Xbox 360 | PS3 | iPhone | Android | Windows Phone 7

    Gamejournalist Gamekings & Power Unlimited.

    peter molyneux
    pmolyneux peter molyneux
    A Designer/Director of computer entertainment

    Karel Millenaar
    TitanicOctopus Karel Millenaar

    PlayStation PlayStation
    Official Twitter updates on PlayStation, PS3, PSP, PSN, and PS2 from Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA)

    Sander van der Vegte
    SvdV Sander van der Vegte
    Senior game designer @ Vanguard Entertainment Group, working on Gatling Gears for EA during the day, working on even better projects during the night.

    Vincent Leeuw
    Cyhwuhx Vincent Leeuw
    Vincent Leeuw. Game designer, writer, Transformers fan, Metroid maniac.

    FourceLabs FourceLabs
    FourceLabs designs social physical games in public space, applying smart game design and ubiquitous technologies to create playful moments between players.

    Eline Muijres
    ElineMuijres Eline Muijres
    BA New Media Universiteit Utrecht. Freelance writer @GamezNL @Bashers. Geek. Gamer. Loves web 2.0, gadgets, music, films, art, literature, politics, philosophy.

    Alexander Pechtold
    APechtold Alexander Pechtold
    Fractievoorzitter D66 Tweedekamerfractie

    EllenGames EllenGames
    Vindt marktonderzoek net zo leuk als games. Blogt voor Bashers, iPhoneclub, Frankwatching en De Glazenwasser. Eigen baas, Faxion

    Monobanda Monobanda
    Giving you fusionplay! Monobanda creates games that exist within the virtual and the tangible world.

    Joe van Burik
    joevanburik Joe van Burik
    Freelance journalist bij o.a. Sp!ts en [N]Gamer, aankomend stagiair bij @AutoWeek. Doet auto’s, games, films en andere media. Student Journalistiek in Utrecht.

    WGamesStudio W!Games
    Downloadable game developer based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Vlad Micu
    vgvisionary Vlad Micu
    Aspiring game journalist, researcher and consultant

    Robert Hoogendoorn
    Nederob Robert Hoogendoorn
    Games expert, writer, editor in chief @ Novum Nieuws – My thoughts are my own!

    Sjors Houkes
    bekokstover Sjors Houkes
    Dutch Game Garden, stemacteur, visueel persoon en professioneel optimist.

    EvertH EvertH
    playing reality

    Boris Gamekings
    GKBoris Boris Gamekings
    Fuck yeah!!!!

    Jan Meijroos
    janmeijroos Jan Meijroos
    Gamejournalist for life

    dutchcowboys DutchCowboys
    Follow Dutchcowboys : Weblog about Internet, Web 2.0, Social Media, Search, Social Networking, Twitter and Interactive Marketing

    Maarten de Koning
    Mdekoning Maarten de Koning
    Entrepreneur in game development. Specializes in production, project management and funding of games. At present a Producer at Codeglue

    Jurrie Jurrie
    Husband, father, entrepreneur, gamer, strategy consultant, videogame industry veteran, seth godin, innovation, marketing, blog, casual, social media & life!

    Thom Stokkel
    ThomStokkel Thom Stokkel
    Masterstudent Journalistiek & Nieuwe Media, Game-onderzoeker. Freelancer bij Bright &

    edgeonline Edge
    Videogame culture, 140 characters at a time.

    Kars Alfrink
    kaeru Kars Alfrink
    Independent interaction and game designer. Interests include cities, physical & social interactions and play. Leapfrog / Hubbub / This happened – Utrecht.

    Derk de Geus
    derkdegeus Derk de Geus
    Tech hippie. Entrepreneur. Knight of the Round Table at Paladin Studios, an independent game developer. Onward to ever more adventures and awesome stuff!

    Dylan Nagel
    DylanNagel Dylan Nagel
    Optimist / Connector / Product Manager at Paladin Studios

    Two Tribes
    TwoTribesGames Two Tribes
    We’re a Dutch game company specialized in creating cool games for consoles, such as the Nintendo DS, iPhone, Wii, Xbox360 and PS3

    Ronimo Games
    RonimoGames Ronimo Games
    Makes games

    Codeglue Codeglue
    Game Developer | The Netherlands | Rotterdam | iPhone developer | Social Gaming | Games | Xbox 360 | PS3 | Wii | DS | PSP | iPhone | Android | Rocket Riot

    David B. Nieborg
    gamespacenl David B. Nieborg
    Academic (University of Amsterdam), lecturer, journalist, writer, consultant, curator and l33tgamer.

    wired Wired
    Official Twitter feed for Wired magazine & Your server this week: Mag Special Projects Editor @markmcc

    Club Galactik
    ClubGalactik Club Galactik is the new internet sensation! Play this official online MMO game and virtual world based on the animation hit series Galactik Football.

    Niels van der Leest
    nielsvdleest Niels van der Leest
    Multimedia Composer, Sound Designer, Arranger, Percussionist, Conductor, for Games, Movies, Artists and much more… Writing to enhance instead of distract

    Dutch Game Garden
    dutchgamegarden Dutch Game Garden
    DGG: Foundation to inspire, innovate, stimulate and connect the Dutch Game Industry (inter)nationally.

    Niels ’t Hooft
    nielsthooft Niels ’t Hooft
    Schrijver, journalist en hoofdredacteur.

    thatgamecompany thatgamecompany

    Toki Tori
    tokitori Toki Tori

    Virtual Fairground
    TeamVF Virtual Fairground
    Virtual Fairground creates interactive entertainment, browser-based MMO games and virtual worlds. Our latest project:

    Bashers Bashers
    Voor gamers die verder kijken

    Harry Hol
    harryhol Harry Hol
    Journalist, author, game reviewer, columnist, blogger, geek.

    David Perry
    dperry David Perry
    Video Game Industry Veteran.

    Festival of Games
    NLGD Festival of Games
    Games & business! Festival of Games is Europe’s most effective B2B video game event. 28-29 April, the Netherlands.

    GameCollege Game College
    Game Design School @ ROC Friese Poort

    GDC Discount

    Use code GDC25-CONTROL-10 to get 10% discount on select All Access, Core, or Summits passesspot_img



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