Series that highlight speakers at this year’s Game Conference during the NLGD Festival of Games, June 3 & 4. Click here to download the 7-page preview of the Conference Guide (pdf).
Flower is one of the best selling games for PlayStation Network to date, an amazing feat for such an experimental title. Thatgamecompany co-founder and President Kellee Santiago will shed some light on the secrets behind developing an experimental yet commercially successful game.
Kellee Santiago co-founded thatgamecompany together with fellow student Jenova Chen. They landed a three game deal with Sony Computer Entertainment America to develop downloadable games for Playstation Network. Kellee believes that games can simultaneously be deeply engaging and wildly entertaining, and her dream is to show this to the rest of the world.
Main Track | Thursday | 13.00 hrs
The speakers program for this year’s Game Conference during the NLGD Festival of Games, June 3 & 4, is created in corporation with Control Magazine.
Click here to download the 7-page preview of the Conference Guide(600k, pdf)
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